1. American Horror Story: Asylum Official Website

The official FX Network site for American Horror Story. As you'd expect, the site offers cast and crew bios, character info, info on the episodes, a gallery of images, desktop wallpapers, American Horror Story screensavers, Facebook timeline photos, and clips from the show.
American Horror Story on Twitter
2. American Horror Housecall

This site offers to let you send in your name, or that of a family member, to volunteer to be pranked by a character from the show. (The promotion is most likely long over by now). I'd bet the videos on the site are actually staged with actors pretending to be scared when the character spooks them, not real people, but I don't know for sure! It's just really entertaining watching the house call videos!
3. American Horror Story on Facebook

Almost three million fans of the show subscribe to this feed for their American Horror Story news and updates. The show is currently off the air, so I'm impressed how much the moderators find to post about to keep the fans' interest levels up.
American Horror Story on Facebook
4. American Horror Story Wiki

This wiki helps you keep track of everything going on with this complicated show. There are lots of entries on the characters and episode, plus videos, photos, a chat area and forum. A great way to get connected with other passionate fans of the show.
American Horror Story at Wikia.com
5. American Horror Story for Life

This closed Facebook group has almost 300 members. The group seems to do a bit of role playing based on the show.
American Horror Story for Life Group on Facebook
6. American Horror Story Coven

This Facebook group has over 1200 members, many of them from other countries. (The admins insist on posts being written in English). It appears quite active which is a good sign when the show isn't even airing right now.
American Horror Story Coven on Facebook
7. American Horror Story Chat Group

This Facebook group has over 1500 members chatting about the show and their theories on it.
American Horror Story Chat Group on Facebook
8. American Horror Story on Television Without Pity
I really enjoy the Television Without Pity TV forums. The participants are smart, snarky, educated, and passionate about their shows. The moderators do an incredible job of keeping everybody on topic, civil and preventing spam. It's sooo much more fun watching a show when you can immediately run over to these forums and share snarky comments.
Television Without Pity's American Horror Story Forum
9. American Horror Story Screencaps

This resource offers thousands of screencaps from Season 1 and Season 2 of the show. Each episode has its own album and features around 1000 screencaps per episode. Someone worked really hard to create this! It's fun to go revisit episodes via these pics, while waiting for the next season to air.
American Horror Story Screencaps, at Home of the Nutty
10. American Horror Story at Fanfiction.net
The definitive archive of fan fiction based on the show.
FanFiction.net's American Horror Story archive
11. American Horror Story on Reddit
This subreddit is the best way I can imagine to keep up with interesting news, memes, commentary and images from the show. It's amazing how many new posts there are even today, with the show off the air for so many months.
American Horror Story on Reddit
--Copyright 2013 Carrie Carolin
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