Victoria Gugenheim

I think you'll really enjoy looking over the photos from this talented makeup artist, who lives in London. Besides sharing photos of the work she's done on her models, she also shares inspirational pics and photos by other makeup artists. Some really stunning images here!
Victoria Gugenheim Body Art, on Facebook
Michael Hussar

Michael Hussar's bloody, gory surreal oil paintings feature bloodied clowns, pale people, wicked popes, and naughty women. (Shown above is "Daddy's Girl.") The artist lives in Southern California. Also check out his drawings.
Lady Lazarus

"Dying is an art." Jennifer Linton's blog. She has an MFA in Visual Art. She shares her art on her blog, plus writes about horror cinema and new gothic art. Recent posts include "Horror Films 101: The Demon Child," a peek at her "Little Death" work in progress, and a post on when love goes terribly wrong in horror cinema. Check out her really interesting Domestikia project.
Librarian of the Dead

Rachel lives in Chicago and works as a librarian. She's an aspiring writer with interests in Halloween, horror, and puppets. Lately I've been enjoying her posts on horror movies, Buffy, dark TV shows such as Oddities, and her cemetery photos she's taken on recent trips. Check out her pictures from her trip to The National History Museum and her visit to the Written in Bone exhibit.
Universal Monsters Online

A free-to-play browser game featuring Universal Studios' horror characters, including Frankenstein's monster, the Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, Wolf Man, the Phantom of the Opera, and The Invisible Man. I haven't tried this game personally, but the screenshots look decent and if you don't have anything better to do late on a Sunday night, it might be a nice diversion.
Bizarro Central

"The cult section of the literary world." News and reviews on weird and surreal books and strange fiction. If you think you might like reading books with titles such as "Space Walrus," "Haunted Vagina," "Ass Goblins of Auschwitz" and "House of Houses," this is the place for you.
Edgar Allan Poets

Ok, this isn't a goth band, clearly. But I'm including it here as "dark music" because they're inspired by Edgar Allan Poe and by Hitchcock movies. They describe their sound as "noir rock." I really like the singer's vocals, though sometimes a song can be sort of ruined for me halfway through by an annoying style of guitar work. Still, I'm far more impressed with the music than I expected to be, and found myself singing Old Black Clown in the car yesterday.
She Past Away

This post-punk goth-wave band is from Turkey. That's so cool, I don't think I've linked to anything goth-related in Turkey before now. They recently played at WGT (check out a video from their performance here.)
Gilding Primal Instinct

"Creating unique body adornments that combine elegant forms, theatrical flair, and just a touch of brutality!" Their Fall 2012 collection was called The Executioner, and the current season's collection is "The Triune." This most recent collection introduced prosthetic jewelry, meant to attach to the body using medical adhesive or body tape - cool concept! The bronzed, tanned models are a little off-putting in this series, but the jewelry itself is intriguing.
Gilding Primal Instinct, on Facebook
Gilding Primal Instinct, on Twitter
--Copyright 2013 Carrie Carolin