1. All of the Dead

A stop-motion animation featuring Lego zombies.
2. Chainsaw Maid
This stop motion short is good for a laugh or two.
3. Dark Commandos

An episodic live action vampire series. "The fate of the living lies in the hands of the dead."
4. Embrace Madness
Poetry and vampires. The website has been abandoned apparently, but the short is still available to view.
5. The Gothlings
Christopher Miniaci's animated short.
6. Newgrounds' Goth Shorts
Several different animated shorts, including "Goth Lyfe," "Dr. Shroud," and "High School Blood Donor." Lots of great things to see here!
7. The Institution
College friends find themselves at an asylum while trying to solve a murder.
8. Bartender Wanted
What if Hannibal Lecter was a bartender?
9. Roadkill
"Real animals were harmed, tested, maimed, and sometimes executed during the making of this film. We apologize for any mental stress this may cause you. It was done completely for your pleasure."
10. Stainboy
Six episodes of Tim Burton's Stainboy animations.
11. Trick or Treat

12. Urban Chillers

Lots of horror shorts and videos. There's also a lot of non-horror related stuff here, so wade through carefully if you don't have a lot of time and just want to see some horror clips.
13. The Periwig Maker

A man seals himself off in medieval plague-infested London.
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