Wrong Side of the Art
I am thoroughly impressed by this extremely large archive of horror, sci-fi and B movie posters. I would have expected a site like this to be merely a poster shop with low-res images and lots of watermarks. Instead, it's an incredibly valuable archive with large scans of posters and movie art prints. There are posters from many countries here as well as the US.
You won't find posters from famous horror movies like "Lost Boys" here. Instead, you'll find much more interesting and obscure posters, such as "Lady Frankenstein," "The Curse of the Cat People," "The Ghost Breakers," and "Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter." I bet you'll spend a lot of time browsing here!
Future Serial Killers
Have you seen this yet?
Future Serial Killers: Kids' Drawings Painted Realistically
I'm sure you've already seen Skull-A-Day. I am just so impressed with how Noah and his team manage to find something interesting in their niche topic to post almost every single day. That's dedication!
This blogger has two favorite things, skulls and bacon, and manages to find lots of quirky things to show her readers. Such as this very cool skull lip gloss set, which I hadn't noticed while browsing Fred Flare myself the other day.
24 Hour Pouty People
An interesting comic that occasionally pokes gentle fun at goth, referencing Skinny Puppy, The Cure and other bands, as well as Philly scene insiders. By a member of ninetwelve.
Slightly Warped.com's Curiosities
"This is what happens when Grandma skips her medications."
Damnit, this movie will probably really suck. So why do I want to see it? Maybe I just have happy memories of watching Beauty and the Beast, The Series with my aunt.
A horror industrial/ebm band from Philly.
ninetwelve, at Dark Asylum Music
Black Chandelier
What a gorgeous store! Besides black chandeliers, they also sell black sconces. (Their Lamps section is a broken link, sadly). Check out their Twilight and True Blood-inspired chandeliers, too.
Blood Energy Potion
This cracks me up!
Blood Energy Potion, on Twitter
There's also a zombie blood energy drink coming out in August from a different company.
Cold Blooded
Laugh, I love companies with a sense of humor. These are fang-shaped ice cube trays. Great in pomegranate or cranberry juice!
Stubbs and Wootton's Devil Shoes
I love a shoe company that's not afraid to take risks! They also make cool pirate skull slippers, too.
Devil Black, at Stubbs and Wootton
True Blood:
Much excitement was in the air on the net this week as True Blood fans got to see the Season 3 poster and view the first of HBO's True Blood webisodes.
True Blood's Nest
An up-to-the-minute fan source for news on True Blood. A guide to Season 3, a picture of the True Blood house that just came up for sale, upcoming True Blood related events, and some exclusive interviews.
Goths on Wife Swap
Recently, a family of goths in Indiana participated in "Wife Swap." (They own Bat's Meow, and here is the Bats Meow Facebook page). Their episode will air Friday night on ABC. It's being promoed as "Goths Vs. Jocks."
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