I wanted to mention this band I enjoyed seeing live last November in Portland: Juan Prophet Organization. They're not a goth band, and their style is really difficult to describe because they do so many different and interesting things with their music. The night I saw them, they had a rather steampunk feel to both their onstage costumes and their lyrics. There was a well-played violin, a trumpet, and a glockenspiel of all things. I thoroughly enjoyed the show, and would see them live again happily next time they play Seattle or Portland.
Is their music uber-dark and gothy? No. But I was intrigued by the songs, a couple of which were about the apocalypse. And "Birthday Dirge" (from their "Cocktails with Carnivores" album) displays a wicked sense of humor. My favorite song by them so far is "Spanish Inquisition."
Juan Prophet Organization on Facebook
Juan Prophet Organization, at MySpace
I meant to mention this at Christmastime, but I got too busy with real life and couldn't update the blog. Here's the video for Oh Come All Ye Old Ones. An amazingly well done Cthulhu mythos Christmas song. It cracks me up so much I have tears in my eyes. The quality of the vocals is amazing, actually, too!

Here's a darkwave Christian goth band that's trying really hard to sound like Bauhaus or Joy Division. See what you think of their songs. They have a song called "Le Tourmet Vert" that's either about The Hunchback of Notre Dame or a brand of absinthe.
Ending the Vicious Cycle, at Facebook
Ending the Vicious Cycle, at Last.Fm
I posted this on the Darklinks' Facebook a couple weeks ago but wanted to make sure everyone's seen this cool article: A Goth Pilot Swoops Into Haiti, Airlifts Troops In, Wounded Out (The Villager).

This trivia game was published in December 2009. I'm cracking up at "The question and answer game that makes learning about Vampires before dating them (emphasis mine) easy & fun!" Needless to say I won't be buying this piece of dorkness.

This candleholder is simply a porcelain baby doll head you can shove a candle into. I don't know why it creeps me out so much, it isn't all that sinister. I wouldn't pay $99 for it though, but I guess it's "art."

From the same website, check out this elegant deck of black cards.

Look what I found on sale at Z Gallerie: gorgeous black Seven Deadly Sins candles.

Just for fun, imagine what your body might be worth, were you to donate it to medical science. "Cadaver values are primarily based on overall health and the level of interest your corpse holds to the medical research industry."

The Art of Travis Louie - Whimsical oddities and horned people. Nothing here is spooky-scary or disturbing; instead it's deliciously Edwardian and Victorian-influenced. The artist is influenced by film noir, F.W. Murnau and Orson Welles. I think you'll find quite a bit here that will make you smile as you look upon it. Also check out the artist's blog.

I am sooo looking forward to seeing The Wolfman. Unfortunately right now I'm living in a small 2-theater town that won't get this movie for another month or so. I don't want to marry Benicio del Toro or anything, but I generally admire and enjoy his performances immensely.
The Convergence 17 bid proposal period begins February 14.
That's all I have time for tonight. Thanks for visiting this new blog which I'm still trying to find time and space for! Hope you found a couple things that caught your interest.
-Carrie Carolin
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