Bibian Blue

Barcelona-based designer of fantastical clothing and corsets. While not goth, a lot of it is dark, futuristic, steampunk, or reminiscent of butterflies and fairy tales.

You'll likely really enjoy the "Eleven Eleven," "Spellbound" and "Lovelace Boudoir" collections.
Domino Dollhouse

This shop specializes in plus-sized clothing. It's not a gothcentric shop, but there's plenty of black basics and lovely dresses in darker shades here you could incorporate into your wardrobe. Check out the Demon Doll costume and red retro-styled Sally Sparrow dress. The shop also offers swimwear, jewelry and lingerie.

This Japanese clothing company sells not-quite-Lolita clothing, but definitely Japanese schoolgirl and military styled clothing.

The 2013 "Sanctus" collection also features some billowy white nightgown type dresses and a few I'd describe as "Black Forest German serving wench" dresses. (Which is a compliment).

A Polish shop selling goth and Victorian clothing; corsets; bags; jewellery; and steampunk accessories. I don't have any occasion to purchase items from Poland, but I wanted to include the link to this shop in case you do. Plus, the photography here is gorgeous to browse. The models look amazing!
Wayward Traders

This Etsy shop offers zombie art, Coffin Cuties (they're definitely cute!), a couple Slender Man items, and some vinyl stickers.
The Charnel House

This goth club takes place on the first Saturday of every month, in Newcastle upon Tyne in England. This is one of the best organized, most informative club pages I've ever seen, with dates and location clearly spelled out, updated playlists, a DJ info page, a gallery, reviews, a club store, and info on the committee who runs the club.
The Charnel House, on Facebook
Lizzie and the Banshees

This Siouxsie and the Banshees tribute band is based in Bathgate, Scotland. They're pretty active, playing at least two shows a month all over Scotland in 2013. Cool! I can't seem to find any videos by them on YouTube. I'm disappointed, I was hoping to check them out, but didn't feel like downloading a 134 meg video from their website (which probably doesn't have as fast the bandwidth as YouTube).
Lizzie and the Banshees on Facebook
The Spider Lilies

A goth/electronic band from Virginia. It's fronted by Stacey Campbell, formerly a member of The Cruxshadows. I love darkwave bands with female vocals!
Australian Horror Writers Association

Resources and events for horror writers in Australia. I don't see a forum here and that surprises me, but maybe you have to be a member and log in before you can see it. The website also gives information on the Australian Shadows award, plus useful information and tips on getting published in Australian markets. I find it really useful that the member pages show a "Last edited" date, which helps you know if the authors are still active lately or not.
Australian Horror Writers Association on Facebook
--Copyright 2013 Carrie Carolin
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