I'm a huge fan of "The Walking Dead." Can't wait until Season 3 continues, on February 10. Here are the 25 "Walking Dead" websites I turn to the most, in no particular order (other than the Official site first).
1. AMC's Official Walking Dead Site

Usually official TV show sites suck. AMC knows what they're doing though, offering up an actually useful website with webisodes; exclusive content; sneak peeks and spoilers that you can avoid if you aren't up to it; games and trivia that aren't asinine; plus extra goodies like wallpapers and Facebook cover photos. They offer a discussion forum but I find it very disorganized and not easy to use. It's hard to tell, since there's no date next to the topic titles, when something was posted. I prefer the Televisionwithoutpity Walking Dead forums for this and so many other reasons. Stop by the Photos section for a nice look back at the departed, by the way.
2. Roamers and Lurkers

Now here's how you run a Walking Dead discussion forum! There are sub-boards for Walking Dead comics, Walking Dead games, the TV series (of course), fan fiction; and off-topic forums for zombie survival tips and general chat. Probably the most popular and active Walking Dead forums out there.
3. Talking Walking Dead

This fan site offers the usual news, rumors and updates; but also extremely useful sections on characters, a gallery, forum, videos, games, interviews, and links. Plus some interesting merchandise.
4. Walking Dead Blog

This site offers info by seasons (1, 2 and 3) with episode reviews, wallpapers, a bit of news, and posters. Not updated every week, but I'm sure it will be once the show starts running again on February 10.
The Walking Dead Blog, on Facebook
5. The Walking Dead Cast
A podcast from Jason and Karen. You can listen to it on iTunes or right on the blog. So far they've offered an incredible amount of work - 89 podcasts! Also some very useful and timely news articles they share here. They also offer useful tips such as this article on Building a Successful Fan Podcast. Occasionally they run contests and live chats, too.
6. The Talking Dead

Now this is refreshing: Just plainly and simply, a nice and thoughtful Walking Dead podcast. Over 100 episodes so far, with no distractions of news, rumors, spoilers or articles cluttering up the site. Listen and enjoy.
7. The Walking Dead Podcast

Yet another Walking Dead podcast. Something about this show seems to inspire people to talk and create and express themselves via audio. This one currently offers 75 episodes; since the show isn't running at the moment, they're filling in with "Top 5 zombie movies" type lists.
8. Walking Dead Forums at Television Without Pity
Right after a Walking Dead episode airs, I rush over to the Television Without Pity Walking Dead forums to read posts from and interact with other rabid Walking Dead fans. These forums are the best moderated I've ever seen in my 25 years of Internet explorations. Strict forum rules and etiquette are adhered to; thus you'll find the most intellectual posters and carefully thought out, intriguing discussions. It's nice to go here and get answers to questions or pick up on things I missed on the first airing. I'm a bit shy about posting myself here - the friendly but hardcore knowledgeable fans make me a bit intimidated, though they don't mean to.
9. The Walking Dead Forum

This discussion forum has the balls to offer up an open discussion on The Walking Dead's Opinion on Gun Control.
10. The Walking Dead Newsfeed

This news feed does a really good job of presenting up-to-the-minute quality news about The Walking Dead without wasting your/our time with irrelevant items or off topic news. While waiting for the show to continue, there's some comic and game news in the meantime.
11. The Walking Dead News

Currently featuring news on the new Michonne statue and various toys/action figures; plus an article on the 9 most heartbreaking deaths on the show; info on the upcoming marathon; and links to the Walking Dead Superbowl ads.
12. The Walking Dead Rumors

Rumors, promos, previews, trailers, and news articles. Not a lot of spoilers here, but definitely click carefully if you don't want to know too much ahead of time. Just in case.
13. The Walking Dead Survival Cooking Blog

This is awesome! My favorite Walking Dead webpage ever. It's extremely difficult to think of, prepare, eat or in any way ingest food while watching or digesting or thinking about this gory show, though. Oh the byline is funny: "The blog for everyone who wants to survive the Zombie Apocalypse and still pretend to be a gourmet." The recipes here feature canned foods and spices you might well find someone's stocked up in case of apocalypse. The blog also features a plentiful amount of screencaps and photos from the show.
14. The Walking Dead Enthusiasts

Another podcast. This one seems incredibly talented at attracting interviews from cast members of the show.
15. Geeks of the Dead

A weekly Walking Dead podcast. Currently quiet since December 2012; likely to start up once there are new episodes to analyze and chat about.
16. The Walking Dead Fanatics

This Walking Dead Facebook page has a phenomenal amount of fans: nearly 400,000. It features daily posts about the show, its fans, or Walking Dead merchandise.
The Walking Dead Fanatics, on Facebook
17. The Walking Dead Begins

This is the official webpage for "The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct" game. It's available for the Xbox, PS3, and PC.
18. The Walking Dead Reviews

Here's a refreshing page: It's full of reviews of Walking Dead comics, up to issue 106. A great way to get an overview of the comic series. I've missed out on a lot by not reading these, I can tell.
19. Walking Dead Locations
Info on the filming locations (most in Georgia) sorted by episode. It's nice to get a feel for how the show is filmed, just by browsing here.
20. The Walking Dead Wikia

Everything you might need to look up about The Walking Dead, meticulously organized.
21. Walking Dead Recaps

Thanks to my Tivo, as long as I have everything set up correctly and the power doesn't go out, I'll never miss an episode of The Walking Dead. However, I still find myself turning to this Recaps page because the writer is so hilarious. I just love the way Melanie describes things! "Michonne babysat Penny. Social services was called." HAHA! Lots of nice screencaps guide you through the episodes, too.
22. The Little Zombie Who Could

A recaps blog from a girl who likes to post a LOT of pics she's altered to be black-and-white and eerie.
23. Dixon's Vixens

A fan group comprised of ladies (and some men, too) who are obsessed with the character of woodsman/hottie Daryl Dixon. (I can barely type his name without swooning). They keep a really nice photo gallery here!
24. The Walking Dead Fan Club

A news feed, cover gallery, comic price guide, game walkthrough, and other useful resources.
25. Hardcore The Walking Dead Fans

This Facebook fan page has an astonishing number of fans: 675,000 and growing. They post interviews, news, and photos. Also check out their support website.
--Copyright 2013 Carrie Carolin, Curator
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